Thursday, December 7, 2006

Resist Tyranny, Defend Our Democratic Rights As A People

‘Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves.’ -Philippians 2.3

The Iglesia Filipina Independiente is expressing her strongest opposition to amend the 1987 Philippine Constitution through a Constituent Assembly. The move to transform the House of Representatives into a Constituent Assembly to effect the changing of the laws of the land lays bare the deprivation of true statesmanship and the absence of political ethics among those who claim to represent our people. It is a glaring display of opportunism among members of Congress who are seeking to prolong and perpetuate their hold on to power. Their self-serving initiative draws questions regarding their moral competence to make the right decision for the country.

Clearly, what now transpires before our eyes testifies to the obdurate desire of Ms. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her political allies to abolish the present presidential system and put up a unicameral parliament without observing the principles of democracy, which is a fundamental right that is guaranteed by the Constitution. It is a frightening indication of tyrannical rule. This is morally wrong. We must not allow tyranny to usurp our democratic rights.

The Iglesia Filipina Independiente reiterates, in the strongest possible terms, her opposition to Charter Change through a Constituent Assembly. The unprecedented problems we are facing today as a nation cannot be simply attributed to the perceived defects in the Constitution as Malacañang wants us to believe.

They are the outcome of irresponsible governance by leaders whom the people perceive to be with questionable authority, credibility and integrity, as well as the centuries old structures that promote and protect the country’s tiny elite at the expense of the huge majority.

The conversion of Congress into a Constituent Assembly by congressmen themselves exhibits a blatant disrespect of the Constitution and disregard to the legitimate interest of our people. It tramples upon our inherent rights as a people to participate in a political process that charts the fate of our nation.

We therefore assert our stand -- a resounding NO TO CHARTER CHANGE THROUGH A CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY - while we commit our continuing support to our people’s aspiration to establish a truly democratic government where their interests are truly heard and served.

Pro Deo et Patria,

Obispo Maximo

7th December 2006
City of Manila

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