Thursday, September 7, 2006

Render What Is Right And Just To The Filipino People

An Open Letter of the Executive Commission of the Iglesia Filipina to President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

‘They shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake… ...’ ((Luke 21. 12)

A year ago, the Iglesia Filipina Independiente brought before you, Madam President, our apprehension and indignation over the worsening situation of human rights violations under your watch. We have urged you to look into the spate of political killings of leaders of the legitimate political opposition, militant activists, media practitioners and human rights lawyers, human rights advocates in the country and the intimidation of church people specially bishops, priests and church workers. We have strongly appealed to you to probe the allegations pointing to elements of the Armed Forces of the Philippines as the perpetuators of this hounding and merciless butchery.

No words can express our frustration when you treated our appeal with cold shoulders. We have expected you to extend a helping hand to the families of victims of political killings and repression, but we waited in vain. It pierced deep into our very souls to realize that your heart does not hold affection for people who suffer from the violence of injustice. The way you have simply closed your eye to the unabated series of summary executions and abductions in the country is morally lamentable. Your manifest disregard to the rampant violation of civil liberties and the democratic rights of our people is second to none.

‘In her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all who have been slaughtered...’ (Revelation 18. 24)

We watched with pain and indignation the continuing violent persecution of church people that, by now, has resulted to the death of twenty-four priests, pastors and church workers from different Churches even as political slaughter goes unabated and the victims of extra-judicial killings swell up day after day. The international community can only be right when it stressed your apathy to address these grave issues of human rights violations in the country.

Perhaps, the people are right when they say these realities do not bother you at all because it is really you who benefit from the abductions, assassinations and coercion of individuals who are openly critical and opposed to your administration. Maybe, the people are right in believing that the military is behind these political killings to terrorize those who question the legitimacy of your office, bureaucratic corruption and the death of democratic processes under your government.

‘What have you done? Listen; your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground.’ (Genesis 4.10)

Our conscience obliges us to speak to you in truth, Madam President. The blood of those who were innocently killed cries from the ground. The signs of the times are urging us to stand and speak up lest darkness overcomes what is right and just. Do not blame us if we dare say that we have already lost confidence in you to bring to an end the worsening situations of political killings and violent repression of our people, in as much as we believe that it is to the cause of justice and peace and for the good of the nation that you should voluntarily step down from office in the most immediate time. We ask you this sacrifice knowing that you too believe that the Filipino people deserve a president and government that would genuinely promote their welfare and well-being and uphold their interests as citizens of this our beloved land.

Our prayers go with you, Madam President, as we ask you to reflect in the light of our Christian faith and find the courage in your heart to render what is right and just to the Filipino people. Only then can you regain our trust and the respect of our people.

Obispo Maximo

7th September 2006
City of Manila

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