We, the 10th Executive Commission of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, express our alarm over the arrest and detention of Professor Jose Maria Sison, the political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in the peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the NDFP.
We see his arrest by the Dutch authorities, with the collaboration of the Philippine government, not only as a wanton violation of the rights of Professor Sison as a political refugee protected under Dutch laws and international human rights laws, but as blatant act of
political persecution. It saddens us that The Netherlands’ commitment for the protection and promotion of human rights, and its long and noble tradition of granting sanctuary to political dissenters, have been abandoned by this single inhuman act.
We are deeply disturbed over the implications of the Dutch authorities’ action against Professor Sison. The Iglesia Filipina Independiente believes that it is important to keep the doors open for dialogue between the GRP and NDFP to address the roots of the armed conflict in the country. This is why we have been consistently calling for the GRP and NDFP to return to the negotiating table and resume the formal peace talks.
The Iglesia Filipina Independiente shares with the Filipino people the hope that peace is indeed possible. We invite the Dutch Government to share this hope with us by respecting the peace process in the Philippines and by continuously upholding the rights of Professor Jose Maria Sison as a political refugee in The Netherlands. He is an important figure in the peace process in the Philippines. His arrest and
continuing detention constitutes a major roadblock to the peace process and could spell the eventual demise of the peace negotiations between the GRP and NDFP.
We call on the government of Mrs. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo likewise to desist in further acts that would undermine, if not completely destroy the peace negotiations and other efforts to seek a peaceful resolution to the armed conflicts. Furthermore, we urge the Arroyo government to stop using coercive measures under the guise of the ‘war on terror’ as a leverage to force the NDFP, among others, into capitulation.
We urge Mrs. Macapagal-Arroyo not to undermine the Filipino people’s aspiration for justice and peace with her penchant for a military solution to the armed conflict in the country. We demand her government to pursue the peace process. We strongly call upon her to serve the people in righteousness, as the path to peace can only be found in the steadfast commitment to justice.
For the Executive Commission,
General Secretary
Supreme Bishop
5th September 2007
City of Manila